Dear Valued Clients,
With the news surrounding the COVID-19 changing so rapidly, we want to share steps The Soroudi Group, CPAs is taking and the latest COVID-19 emergency news as it pertains to this tax season. With this everchanging pandemic, we’ll do our best to keep you informed of the latest development.
Federal: The U.S Treasury announced March 20 that the filing deadline has been extended to July 15. Prior to that announcement, the Treasury and IRS issued guidance saying taxpayers with a federal tax payment due on April 15, 2020, have an additional 90 days to make their payment.
Note that details and guidelines surrounding the new deadline are developing and the Treasury and IRS are expected to issue revised guidance to reflect the new deadlines. We will keep you updated as those become known.
California: The state has granted extensions to individual filers, partnerships and LLCs and quarterly estimated tax payments: Filing and payment is due July 15. The Employment Development Department and California Department of Tax and Fee Administration have also released guidelines.
We take our role as your trusted business adviser seriously. And we are here to help you during these unchartered times with all the services we have been providing for the past 20+ years.
We also are prepared to serve you virtually through phone calls and emails.
If you do visit our office, we are following CDC guidelines on protecting our staff and clients. The Soroudi Group, CPAs takes COVID-19 extremely seriously. Our top priority is the health of our staff, clients, families and community.
If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to reach out to us.
Stay safe.
The Soroudi Group, CPAs